
Showing posts from December, 2022

Can you plant a seed and get beautiful flowers?

Photo Credit: Pixabay, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons Spring will be here in a few months and plants will start growing as the land warms up! Have you thought of plants you can plant at that time?  We bought some shelled Sunflower seeds to eat last week. They are tasty and give us valuable protein, vitamins and minerals. We will buy some unshelled Sunflower seeds in a few months to plant!  Srinivasan Ramani                     

Does Ice Sink in Water?

Photo by: Andreas Weith, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons Drop a cube of ice in a bucket of water and see if it sinks. It will not, because ice is less dense than water. In comparison, rocks are more dense and they sink in water. The fact that ice floats is very good for the fish and us. If ice was denser, lots of it would have sunk and gone to the bottom of lakes and the sea. In many places it would not have melted in that case and would have made the bottom of lakes and the sea very cold. Luckily for us ice floats and melts as soon the air gets warmer in spring.   Srinivasan Ramani