Complimenting people

I like the color of your shirt! Ritu is a three-year-old. I met her at a wedding. When her father introduced me to her, she promptly said, "I like the color of your shirt!” That was an excellent opening for a conversation. Later, I learned that her parents had taught her not to keep quiet when meeting people but to compliment them on something about them. It is like shaking hands - it makes people feel good. My wife joined us as we were starting a conversation. Ritu said to her, “You look cute!” This was a good compliment, but you do not expect a three-year-old to say this to a lady as old as her grandmother! However, it worked; my wife remembered it for many days. Many children much older than Ritu have yet to learn the idea of complimenting people. Most adults have yet to learn this, too. It is good to be honest when you compliment people. For example, at the end of a school class, you might say thanks to your teacher. Say something tru...